Senior managers in Metrorex and some heads of service earn between 10,000 and 12,000 lei net each month, and the highest salary in hand in the company is almost 15,000 lei, according to a document with all the almost 6,000 salaries in Metrorex obtained by lowest salaries in hand in Metrorex are around 3-4,000 lei.The Minister of Transport recently announced that the trade unionists negotiated salary increases in 2020, given that the company only covers its budget with 30% of its own revenues.Out of 5,678 employees at Metrou, 4,533 (80%) have a net salary, in hand, of more than 5,000 lei, and almost 1,478 (26%) people have more than 7,260 lei (about 1,500 euros) in hand, according to a document with all subway salaries consulted by managers and several service chiefs have net salaries of over 10-11,000 lei, the highest salary being 14,641 lei for a service chief position.The directors have a salary in hand of 12,945 lei.All employees receive a "tunnel increase" of about 20% agreed by the collective labor agreement, according to the document obtained by head of service positions have net salaries of around 10,000 lei, and many office heads receive more than 8,500 lei.Click on the picture to enlargeAmong the increases calculated for the salaries of metro employees are the "tunnel increase" (20%-40%), increase for harmful conditions (noxe) (10%), increase for festive days (weekends & public holidays) (100%) , night bonus (25%), formation leadership bonus, doctorate bonus, as well as seniority bonus (up to 25%).The positions of advisers to the General Director are remunerated NET with 9,417 lei, including the "tunnel increase" of 20%.It should be noted that out of a total of 5,681 employees, 5,156 receive a noxious conditions supplement (NOXE), which ranges from a few hundred lei to 1,000 lei.The positions of database administrators receive a net salary of 9,196 lei, including the increase in harmful conditions.Chief accountants and deputy chief secretaries receive more than 9,100 lei.A locksmith has over 8,600 lei, almost as much as a head of an administrative office.Click on the picture to enlargeIt should be noted that many positions paid between 6,000 and 10,000 lei are those directly involved in working in the tunnels, as engineers, mechanics, electricians, tinsmiths or foremen.Instead, the person in charge of personal data protection has a net salary of 6,691 lei, the same as a laboratory technician or as some legal advisors also receive.A translator also receives a "tunnel allowance" and has a salary in hand of 6,600 lei.Psychologist positions are remunerated in hand with up to 6,400 lei, while masons, painters and plumbers receive around 5,600 lei net.A telephone operator position, for example, is remunerated in hand with 5,400 lei, just like a central cashier.Click on the picture to enlargeAt the opposite pole, the lowest net salaries in Metrorex are around 3,000 lei, with three exceptions that drop to 2,000 lei, a sub-engineer position receiving even 1,451 lei.The average salary in hand (NET) is 6,241 lei, i.e. 10,807 gross, according to the document consulted by, Minister Drula said that the average income of employees in Metrorex is 10,000 lei per month and that the directorate, in conditions of a pandemic and a drastic reduction in the number of metro trips, increased the salaries of employees by 18% and supplemented the number of employees with 1300.Drula: "The Metrorex union negotiated higher wages in the middle of the pandemic with itself""The negotiation of the advantages and privileges that they have acquired through the Collective Labor Agreement and for which all Romanians pay the subsidization of the metro, must have the traveler at the center of attention, not the union boss.From the preliminary conclusions of the Control Body's investigation, we learn that, during last year's CCM negotiation, when salaries were increased by 18%, 10 of the 15 members of the negotiation commission established at the level of the Metrorex administration were union members", says Drula ."Practically, the Metrorex union negotiated higher wages in the middle of the pandemic with itself," emphasizes the Minister of Transport.According to the minister, in 2016 the subsidy from MT was 297 million lei, and last year it reached 683 million lei.For 2021, the amount requested by Metrorex would be 1.04 billion lei."An amount that cannot be covered by the state budget, and which would mean approximately 17% of the Transport budget (the national part, excluding investments from European funds).To be clear, this is the money collected from the fees and taxes of Romanians ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.And if I go to the Bucharest metro, I don't go to other expenses and investments in the country", says Drula."What happened to get here?Salary expenses have increased enormously.Given that passenger traffic collapsed last year due to the pandemic, leading to a decrease in revenues by 126 million lei, in September 2020, an 18% (!!!) salary increase was negotiated at Metrorex", he detailed DudeDrula: Personnel expenses at Metrorex - 333 million in 2016, 876 million in 2021According to him, if in 2016 personnel expenses at Metrorex were approximately 333 million lei, in 2020 they reached 627 million lei, and for 2021 they are expected to increase to 876 million lei.Drula had announced last week that he was sending the Control Body to Metrorex to verify the wage increases negotiated with the union in 2020, given that the company only covers its budget by 30% of its own revenues.The discussions related to salary increases at Metrorex have also generated a series of acid reactions to Drula from USL leader Ion Rădoi in recent days.The company owned by the Metrou union collects 75% of the revenues for the commercial spaces and 53% of the revenues for the advertising spaces in the Metrou"And to understand another reason for Mr. Rădoi's anger, learn that, in the mandate of the Control Body, the verification of the contracts between Metrorex and Sindomet Servcom SRL is also explicitly mentioned.The company is 100% owned by Unitea Sindicatul Liber Metrou (USLM), whose president is Mr. Ion Rădoi," says Drula.According to him, "Sindomet Servcom SRL had two contracts with Metrorex: one for commercial spaces (expired in 2018) through which the company collected 75% and Metrorex only 25% of their capitalization.And a contract for advertising spaces (expired in 2019), from which Sindomet received 53%, and Metrorex only 47%"."An attempt was made to de facto extend these contracts, with Sindomet still collecting the amounts, but Metrorex refusing to collect its share (TOO SMALL anyway) because there was no longer a valid contract.The Control Body will also shed light on this story," explained Drula.According to the minister, Sindomet Servcom SRL had, in 2019, a turnover of 7,981,344 lei and a profit of 6,197,855 lei, according to available public data."Sindomet Servcom SRL also owns a tourist complex in Bușteni, which offers a 99% discount for Metrorex employees, who choose to spend their 4 recovery days, among others, at the tourist center in Bușteni owned by this company.The 99% reduction is borne by Metrorex", says Drula."The former PSD deputy, Mr. Ion Rădoi, feels his underground interests are threatened.This is the real reason why it bothers him that, finally, someone is looking carefully at what the cartel he leads is doing," warns Drula.According to the minister, the average gross monthly earnings per employee of Metrorex, in 2020, was 9,901 lei."In the budget proposal for revenues and expenses for 2021, Metrorex has estimated an average monthly gross profit per employee of 12,739 lei," says Drula.Warning: The author of the comment will be solely responsible for the content of the comment and will assume any damages, in case of legal actions against those published.By pressing the "Send comment" button, you agree to the "Terms and conditions of use of the website".If you do not 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