Park board looks at city park signage - Pen City Current

2023-03-15 16:57:52 By : Ms. Sara Chang

FORT MADISON – City parks were again on the agenda as city officials look to replace signage in three of the citys parks.

At Wednesday's meeting of the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Docks Board, the board’s five-year plan, which was put together in 2021 was reviewed.

One of the things that’s getting some focus now is replacing the signs in three of the city’s parks.

“Ivanhoe, Victory, and Shopton are getting pretty worn and tattered,” said Mark Bousselot, the city’s Public Works Director.

“We’ve found a company that has signs, and we got some prices for different sizes. I think when they first reached out, the company gave us quote for a 48” x 24” sign. One for each park. We didn’t think that sign was big enough and we reached back out and they gave us a quote for a 72” x 36” inch sign.”

President Jim Decker asked if there was a discount by getting all three at the same time and Bousselot said there would be a savings of about $1,000, but he didn’t know if the budget would have enough for all three of them at the same time.

Bousellot said the signs are about $2,200 each, but the city could get all three for just under $5,600.

“We’re hoping at the end of the fiscal year budget, we’ll have a little extra,” he said.

“If we can’t afford all three of them, we can get them individually. But it would be more cost-effective if we were able to get them all at the same time.”

The signs are being solicited from HDPE Signs out of Colorado.

Board member Paul Wilkerson asked if any thought had been given to having the signs produced locally at the high school.

“Have we looked at talking to building and trades at the high school to see if they are willing to put something together for us?” Wilkerson said.

Bousselot said he wasn't sure of time constraints on the building and trades department at FMHS.

The proposed signs are all green and off-white to keep with the current color schemes of the local parks.

“We haven’t spent the whole 100% of what we budgeted so we do have a little carry over,” Bousselot said.

“But some of the line items experienced overspending due to maintenance. We’re going to look at the overall budget come June and make the decision whether to do one sign or all the signs.”

Board member Jill Stull asked if any of the city’s service organizations would be interested in contributing to the costs of the signs.

Fort Madison Rotary has contributed a lot of funding to maintenance at Central Park which woudn’t need the sign.

“I know Kiwanis does stuff in Ivanhoe. Is that something they would be interested in donating toward,” Stull said.

Bousselot said Kiwanis has done some beautification work in the park, but didn’t know what their interest level is.

“I don’t know what people have for extra funds. Things are pretty tight for everyone right now,” he said.

Board member Joshua Leyh said the new disc golf course in the park is a welcomed addition.

“It’s pretty nice when you don’t have to climb down a hill to find your disc,” he said. “That’s a nice addition there.”

The signs are part of the Park board’s 5-year plan that was put together two years ago. Board member Carol Pieper asked if the board needed to revise the plan and the group decided to meet next time at one of the city’s parks.

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